Welcome to the Sit Well Method

If you’re struggling with straightness, feeling wobbly, stiff or unbalanced you’re in the right place! From dressage riders who want to really refine their seat and aids to happy hackers who want to feel more confident and balanced in the saddle, the Sit Well Method ticks all the boxes. With a promise to you that YOU WILL feel better, move better and ride better when you commit to these programs to support your riding.

Liana is a position, posture and equestrian biomechanics trainer, she offers Simulator Lessons and Clinics to really focus on your seat. This is supported with off the horse exercises to improve your balance, body awareness, straightness and core strength -all the things you need to ride better.
Liana also offers lessons and clinics for riders with their own horse, for people that want to learn about French classical riding following the principles of the School of Legerete. This is a horse centred approach for anyone serious about training in an ethical and logical way.

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The exercise programs here will improve your strength, flexibility, balance, coordination and perhaps most importantly your body awareness.   These off the horse exercises will support your training on the horse. Liana has put her heart and sole into this program, with a lot of training, time and money spent she is absolutely passionate about helping clients improve their riding and improving the lot of the horse.

There’s so much content on here to explore, including….

  • Fit 2 Ride -12 week program bringing you from zero to rider fit
  • Reconnect with your Core Series – connecting your breathing with your deep core muscle
  • Shoulder Series – improve your position and rein contact
  • Crooked Seat in depth program
  • Various in depth rider corrective programs – if you have a specific problem this where to start to really get to the bottom of the issue
  • Assessments and progress tests
  • Riding Tips and Exercise Section – covering transitions, breathing, aids for turning and more
  • Lateral work Series – what, why and how of all the different lateral work exercises, this includes ridden videos.

Move Well

Move Well

Get rid of niggly aches and pains and fix your posture for good.
Ride Well

Ride Well

Body awareness, strength, flexibility and balance are crucial to being able to ride well with confidence.
Feel Well

Feel Well

These mindful exercises are going to help you move and feel well so you can enjoy riding for many years.


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